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Womb to Tomb and Beyond!

Writer's picture: Austin Tamil ChurchAustin Tamil Church

Psalms 139:17-18 How precious also are Your thoughts to me, O God! How great is the sum of them! 18 If I should count them, they would be more in number than the sand;

When I awake, I am still with You.

Psalm 139 is often referred as Crown of Psalms by many theologians. David highly personalizes God, Yahweh as ‘My God’ which was an alien concept in those days when Jews wouldn’t even utter or write God's name, out of reverence. David's daring act of personalization was simply a prelude to the Salvation through Messiah Christ Jesus, that’s very individual and very personal.

All through the Psalm, especially in the verses above, David shows an uncanny confidence of how God watches over and leads him. In the midst of difficult or even terrible circumstances, David affirms Himself of God thinking of Him, remembering him, simply put, "God is keeping a tab on me y'all, watch out". This is unsettling to many theologians of that time and even now.

Where did David get this confidence in the days when God was only seen from afar off, seen as unapproachable light and consuming fire? Maybe from David’s own life from being a shepherd boy to rising to be the King he is now. Every little incident David might have remembered to reassure himself how the impossible became possible when God intervened!


Maybe David might have learnt from his forefathers making the mistake of not remembering God's great and mighty hand and deeds as we read in

Ps 78:42 They did not remember His power: The day when He redeemed them from the enemy,

They neither remembered His name, nor His power nor the day of redemption. But David decides to break the cycle of ‘forgetfulness’ not only to remember for himself but also to proclaim to the whole congregation for each of them to personalize and remind themselves of God’s hand in their own lives. That's why the Psalm was handed to the Chief musician.

The very thought of our name on His mind, our names on His hand, our time in His hands is so refreshing, encouraging and empowering. Anytime God remembered, it was an occasion of an impossible becoming possible, an occasion of an ordinary becoming extraordinary.

  • Gen 8:1            God remembered Noah

  • Gen 19:29       God remembered Abraham

  • Gen 30:22       God remembered Rachel (opened her womb)

  • Exo 2:24          God remembered His covenant with Abraham

  • 1 Sam 1:19      Lord remembered her (Hannah to take away the reproach)

And, the very same God, remembers you today. But, do you know Him personally? You maybe saved but do you still know Him in the third person doing something in someone else’s life Or is He this personal to you?

  • It’s not just remembering that God knows everything – He knows me!

  • It’s not just acknowledging that God is everywhere – He is everywhere with me!

  • It’s not just praising that God created everything – He created me!

  • It’s not just praying that God fought for Israel – He fights my battles, every day!

It’s not just trusting God's sovereign providence but living in that providence believing that He leads and provides for me here and now! If David who lived in pre-messianic time could make God this personal, Jesus Christ, the very son of God died on the cross to redeem you. How much more personal should HE be to you?


I do not know the immediate circumstances of your life at this time. But, I affirm these words upon your life and encourage you today that there is a God who is mindful of you, remembers you and awaiting your call to make the impossible possible?

Womb to Tomb and Beyond, our life is in His hands!

Go in that confidence and share that confidence with others!

Blessings for the day and week ahead!

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