2 Chr 6:14 He said: “LORD, the God of Israel, there is no God like you in heaven or on earth - you who keep your covenant of love with your servants who continue wholeheartedly in your way.
I know many of you and the larger part of the world is gearing up for Valentines Day, Wednesday Feb 14th. For some, you've been planning since Jan and for some this very post might have thrown you you into panic mode 😊 From excited, anxious, stressed out to I don’t care, I see people in all zones of Valentines Day. Whichever zone you are in, it is still appropriate for the season to wish you ‘touch down’.
Honestly, how many of you also know that this year Valentines Day falls on Ash Wednesday, the beginning of the season of Lent? While at the outset it may feel like a contrast or irony, IMHO, it sets well to reminisce on the greatest love story known mankind, the love of Jesus Christ! It's not the typical kind of Love you see on Valentines Day but there is nothing that even comes close to it.
Not just Love but ‘COVENANT LOVE’ that never changes no matter what our circumstances are. We can offend that love, ignore that love or even ridicule that love, but nothing can separate us from it and nothing stops from it pursuing after us.
Evidence is the way New Testament begins. First 17 verses of the first book, Gospel of Matthew. Honestly, have you ever read these verses? Has it made sense to you at all? Why is it there in the first place? Feels like ‘credits' at the beginning of the movie’ forcing you to sit through. What were you thinking Matt, not cool at all! Shouldn’t you have used that space for more important things that Holy Spirit gave you? Yada, yada, yada...
My friend, nothing is out of place or out of purpose when in comes to the precious Word of God, the Holy Bible. Well, that’s the unprecedented, unconditional Love, in a way a shocker love that supersedes all other love we know and celebrate.
Some of the names we know well and others you’ve never even heard of. But Matthew’s genealogy is peculiar with the inclusion of women that was unnecessary and unwelcome in those days. That too, Matt should have paid closer attention to the holiness and reputation of these women for heavens sake. He is writing the ‘Holy Bible’ and gosh, what was he thinking to include Tamar, who tricked her father in law; Rahab, a gentile prostitute; Ruth, a not so smart Moabite women choosing not to reject her mother-in-law, Naomi; Bathsheba, a victim of sexual abuse who might not even be explicitly named in your translation; Mary, a virgin girl, betrothed and pregnant but claims virginity!
Foreigners, prostitutes, seduction, failure, and stories of pain and heartache; why would Matthew, rather why would Holy Spirit start the New Testament, the voice of God after 400 years of silence, this way?
Simply because, IT IS THE TRUTH. Yes, truth hurts at times but that does not make it any lesser truth. Messiah was a covenant assured that’s far greater than Jews, Gentiles, their reputation or anything else. The Holy God was born into a world of corruption, scandal, sin, and pain. Tell me, if this was not the state of creation, then why would Jesus need to come?
Dearly beloved, the Calvary, Cross, Jesus and the supreme sacrifice, all was not just to save people who are spiritual, holy, good enough, qualify enough, measure up or even people we like or think good. But so that ALL MIGHT BE SAVED including you and me. Do you think you and I measure up to the Cross, qualify for the salvation it offers to us or even live the way it calls us in day-today live?
As you celebrate love this Valentine’s Day with your Spouse or someone you love, would you remember the FIRST LOVE that started it all?
Its even hard to fathom. But, despite all of our shortcomings, if Holy Spirit were to write Gospel today, your name and my name will be there. That’s the blessed assurance that ‘Covenant Love’ bring us.
Jesus did not and will not consider his ‘holy lineage’ compromised when he included your name and my name into it. He called us branches and we live by the sap, his blood that sustains and thrives us.
Why me, Lord? What did I do to deserve this love? The love portrayed on the cross at the cost of your perfect son’s blood? While my lifetime is not enough to comprehend or understand your love, help me live in that ‘covenant love’ and share that love with one another for by it world will know that I am your disciple!
Have a blessed week! Happy Valentines Day!
Live in the love of Christ and share it.