And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart - Gal 6:9
Looking at the outcome of your hard work, have you ever wondered if all is in vain or worth it or even futile? Have you thought, Why should I even continue doing if there is no change/outcome/result that I hoped to see but things only get worse than before?!?
Be it at work or in ministry or in praying for someone or in helping someone, we all have been there. World trusts in ‘karma’ and even there desires instant gratification.
This verse teaches us that God’s reward comes in ‘due time/His time’ and not according to ‘our time’/our expectations. We don't put God on a clock when we pray but we tell Him that 'our time is in His hands' plead Him to make it tick, count and mean something for Him as He desires.
John Wesley prayed for the salvation of his uncle for 27 years and only saw the result from heaven, only after he died. Jesus’s brother James came to faith long after Jesus left the earth!
Sometimes we think the pure intent of our heart, proximity to a person, the perfection of our effort/desire for the person to be saved will move the hand of God. Seldom we remember, the same God who has a plan for your life also has a plan for the other person’s life.
Does that mean we give up? No, do good no matter what the outcome is. Live a life of integrity even when everyone around you cheat/deceive. When they expect 'karma' or return of the favor from the world, we look up to the Lord, Heavens from where our help/reward comes. Either in this world or eternity, that’s the only reward that means, that matters and that prospers and that keeps you in perfect peace.
Would we not grow weary but grow strong in the inner man/women in doing good not to please the world but to please God our Father and hear from Him “Well done my good and faithful servant, enter my rest”. That one thing in itself is enough to persevere in doing good and worth living for.
Go forth and do good as Jesus wandered around doing good to a world that showed nothing but animosity to Him. But, that neither never impacted nor changed Jesus or His works but the world forever was impacted and changed because of Jesus.
Blessings for the day and week! Let us go forth, impact and influence our circle by His power that is in you and me.