Luke 23:8 Now when Herod saw Jesus, he was exceedingly glad; for he had desired for a long time to see Him, because he had heard many things about Him, and he hoped to see some miracle done by Him.
All over history people have sought Jesus for many different reasons. Here we see Herod seeking Jesus to quench his curiosity and for private entertainment. He neither cared for the the person of Jesus Christ nor for His message. But Herod was 'exceedingly glad...and hoped to see some miracles'.
Though we may not be seeking Jesus that way, there are times in our lives we long to see a sign for clarity or a miracle to come through for rescue. Nothing wrong with that. But diligently seek the Lord who overrides the natural realm to make supernatural sign/wonder happen. If we are seeking/following just signs, wonders and miracles we are headed for trouble. Remember Pharaoh's magicians? Yes, the devil can do all of it and more to keep you away from God. The challenge is how do you discern if it is of the Lord or the enemy?
Biblically, signs, wonders follow us as Jesus called out in Mark 16:17 And these signs will follow those who believe...
When Jesus sent out the 70 they came back all excited not just about miracles but even the demons were subject to them in Jesus's name. Jesus right away shifts their focus to the right place.
Luke 10:20 Nevertheless do not rejoice in this, that the spirits are subject to you, but rather rejoice because your names are written in heaven.”
Few guardrails for us to stay clear in this area...
First of all, Faith has already worked the greatest of all miracles in our life, Salvation. Any other miracle in life is only secondary to it.
Second, signs, wonders and miracles are not always in biblical proportion or life altering experiences. Many times they are simple choices you make in daily life even without fully realizing the consequences of it. How many times in life you've looked back in life and said in hindsight (20/20), thank God I did not take that path, make that choice, say that word or do that thing? The same is true in the opposite as well. What prevented you or made you to choose or do one or the other? Non believers may call it fate but we know it is God's sovereign hand working silent miracles in daily life.
That's why Bible says in
Ps 37:23 The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord, And He delights in his way.
The very next verse says,
Ps 37:24 Though he fall, he shall not be utterly cast down; For the Lord upholds him with His hand.
If the steps are ordered by the Lord, then why the fall? That's the consequence of our free will choice but we have a father who upholds us. That's how we learn and His sovereign hand makes not just good things but all things work together (Rom 8:28) for those who believe.
Third, trust in the fact that God watches over you and knows when to intervene. Persist in seeking him diligently, patiently. Easier said than done but He is never late or never early and works in HIS perfect time (Ecc 3:11).
I remember a little girl in a birthday party telling her dad angrily, "When I grow up, I'll eat only cotton candy, all day". You can imagine what happened! Yes, every child wishes for the miracle of bubble gum or cotton candy rain when they are little. You bet, the child desires for it with all his/her heart, but parents know better.
My dearly beloved, have we grown enough to trust our Daddy in heaven?
Have a blessed day and week ahead!