Let a man so consider us, as servants of Christ and stewards of the mysteries of God. 2 Moreover it is required in stewards that one be found faithful - 1 Cor 4:1-2
Good Morning Church! Any day is a good day to be thankful, for the Lord found us worthy of His precious life! While God does, what do we consider ourselves? Paul identifies himself and all apostles with two distinct positions here, Servant and Steward.
Praise God that we all serve God or at least have a desire to serve God. We serve in the weekends, holidays, at Christian events, Charity and go about rest of life's business on other days. While there is nothing wrong with this, remember; Not all that's done in God's name honors or pleases God. Jesus's served more outside the Synagogues, among the sinners in the world than inside. IOW, while we seek God in the Church and among the believers, God is seeking us outside the Church, in the world where His love is less known, seen and liked.
Even in the worldly sense, you hire a skilled servant (aka contractor) only as needed for a short term task to be done in a time frame. The servant also wants to get the task done quick to move on to other business. Most of Christian serve this way and this is needed, good and a foundation. Here, Paul challenges us to the next level of becoming a Steward.
What's the difference? A Steward
Knows the Master, His heart and what pleases Him.
Is hired for the long term and entrusted with greater things.
Assumes Master's vision and focuses on the long term outcome.
Demonstrates greater responsibility and accountability to the Master.
Looks to the face of the Master to picks up non-verbal, unwritten cues and clues.
Trusts, depends on the Master, while the Master depends on Him to get things done.
A servant may know about the Master but a Steward knows the Master. He realizes that the Master has entrusted him with what is dear and near to Him and carries them with great sense of responsibility and accountability. This is not just a job for him but Steward carries the burden deep within his heart and executes on Master's plan day in and day out, in all walks of life. Every function and unction of his life is to fulfill the mission of His Master.
My dearly beloved, what are you? A Servant? A Steward? Both? or Neither?
If you are neither, would you take a step to become a Servant?
If you are a Servant, do you desire to be at the level of a Steward?
If you are Both, are you investing in and discipling other Servants and Stewards?
Faithfulness is the key for a Steward. Not your skills, ability, education, social status, ministry experience but Faithfulness to assume Master's vision. Surrender to make yourself available for Him to use. Unlike a Servant, a Steward carries Master's burden in his mind, heart and life 24x7 doing everything, anywhere with one simple objective of loving and living His Master's vision.
Being a Steward is not a position in ministry, it is a mindset, its the faithful position of your heart. That's why in Jesus said on Matt 6:21 Where the treasure if, there your heart is.
Is Jesus the treasure of your heart?
Is bearing His identity the desire of your heart?
Is transforming into His likeness the vision of your life?
Then, we know, we bear and we live with one identity, with one desire regardless where we are and what we do. Do it all heartily and faithfully as you do unto Him and Him alone (Col 3:23)
Have a blessed day and week ahead!