Heb 12:14-15 Pursue peace with all people, and holiness, without which no one will see the Lord: 15 looking carefully lest anyone fall short of the grace of God; lest any root of bitterness springing up cause trouble, and by this many become defiled;
I'm sure you are enjoying the Memorial Day long weekend! Any celebration, be it religious/ secular, the aspect of glamour/grandiose overtakes the true meaning/solemnity of the occasion, as generations pass by. Let us pause for a moment to remember those who laid down their lives to defend this land from both external and internal threat of evil. There is no greater sacrifice (John 15:13) than laying down ones life for a friend. The reason we have a peaceful habitation is because of those soldiers in the middle of nowhere guarding, police on the streets 24x7 watching for you and me, whom they have not seen or known.
It is unfortunate that 'Peace' comes at such great cost. Do you know that the current century we live in has taken more lives than all of the previous centuries combined. Why?
We want 'Peace' handed to us rather than pursuing it! Even when we do, we pursue with such selfish motives that it becomes meaningless when achieved. We think 'ends justify the means' but seldom see it in reality.
The book of Hebrews, written to a small group of persecuted Christians in Rome where the author lays out a peace plan right in the midst of calamity. He outlines the foundation of peace that will withstands time, sustains and flourishes!
Pursue Peace with God and People. One without the other is meaningless and will not last. Not a passive, laid back work, but an active pursuit, labor of loving and serving others, even if that costs you something.
Pursue Peace with God's Grace as the standard. Jesus portrayed the very definition of sacrificial love on the Cross of Calvary. It was not the nails that held him there but HIS undying and eternal love for you and me.
When we try to 'live up to' or rather 'love up to' that standard, then peace becomes a natural outcome. When we take God out of the equation, selfishness kicks in, bitterness grows, 'defiling' us. Oh! That's a strong word that combines selfishness, arrogance, pride, corruption and all associated elements of it.
Are you on relentless pursuit of 'Peace with God' and 'Peace of God' within the Family, within the Church, among Friends, in Communities and in your own circle where God has placed you?
Is there a difference in the peace and love that the world pursues and what you are after?
Peace with God that came 'top-down' ought to take root and grow 'bottoms-up' to yield fruits. As we remember and honor the fallen men and women in uniform guarding our streets and borders, remember that Peace starts and ends with God! Without the Prince of Peace, there is no peace that withstands, sustains and conquers.
Have a blessed Memorial Day! May Peace with God and Peace of God permeate you and family!