But Daniel purposed in his heart that he would not defile himself with the portion of the king’s delicacies, nor with the wine which he drank; therefore he requested of the chief of the eunuchs that he might not defile himself - Dan 1:8
Daniel was taken captive to Babylon as a young, strong and healthy Israelite in his teens to serve in the royal palace and prepare for leadership in Nebuchadnezzar’s kingdom. Even in captivity, as a slave this is a door of abundance that God opened for Daniel. So why would Daniel jeopardize his career prospects by disobeying ordinance in a matter as simple as food regulations of the palace? Daniel’s reasoning is unknown. Maybe the food contained items prohibited to a Jew? Maybe the food was offered to idols beforehand?
Regardless, Daniel had his personal boundaries (aka code of ethics/conduct). Whether is was based on the covenant Law of the Jews or his own personal convictions, we do not know. But one thing we know is, Daniel purposed in his heart to not defile himself (aka honor God) in all that he did no matter where he was and whatever circumstances he was in. We see this reflected all over the book of Daniel. Be it in interpreting dreams, in praying, in lions den, Daniel had unique ways of honoring God.
Daniel did not,
Take the worldview (aka Vegas rule) of 'what happens here stays here' and play along.
Justify by saying, 'after all it is God who brought me here to this pagan land'.
Preach to all fellow young captives and demand that they live up to his code of food.
Rebuke his fellow young captives for eating the same food without objection.
Cause an uproar to result in punishment with a brutal king like Nebuchadnezzar.
But, Daniel just determined in his own heart to honor God in all that he did even in simple matters of eating or drinking. He did not force others or see others not following his personal conviction as a sin or an object of rebuke. But, simply held on to his own ways to honor God in his own life.
My dearly beloved, what is your personal, unique way of honoring God? Not just what Bible commands, not what a preacher said, not what your friends/others do or don't but what are the personal life boundaries you've set to not defile yourself and honor God? Are those boundaries and it's influences on your life naturally visible to to others desire it or you trumpet, enforce or even shove it down their throat as to 'how a Christian should live'?
When Daniel purposed in his heart, held onto his conviction in a simple matter of food, not just for a healthy lifestyle but with an intent to honor God, he was blessed above and beyond with favor, health and victory not just in his immediate time/surroundings but all the way up to the king and in fact across kings of four different kingdoms that ruled Babylon during the 70 year captivity.
Well, we don't need to be taken captives anywhere as captivity of the modern age is on our fingertips, at our doorsteps and everywhere we go. We don't live in the physical Babylon but very much live in the Babylonian culture that surrounds us. Would you dare to determine and purpose your heart to set your own boundaries today? Not just for a healthy lifestyle, not just for etiquette, not just for others to see but genuinely to honor God in the world we live in? When you do, kings may change, kingdoms may change but God would keep you as an overflowing vessel of blessing to touch lives of those around you.
Have a blessed week ahead with Godly boundaries. Blessings!