Phil 2:12-16 Therefore, my beloved, as you have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling; 13 for it is God who works in you both to will and to do for His good pleasure.
Does this sound like a paradox? Paradox is a statement that is seemingly contradictory or opposed to common sense and yet is perhaps true.
We just returned from Austin Tamil Church Family Retreat where we meditated on this in Men's early morning devo time. On one hand Paul demands to work out our Salvation and on the other hand Paul says, it is God who works in you both to will and do! Simply put, if it is God’s sovereign will, then he will accomplish. If it is my free will, then I need to accomplish
First and foremost, this is 'not working for' salvation for it can never be earned. It is an unmerited favor we receive only by God’s grace. But this is ‘working out’ salvation.
What does it mean 'working out salvation'?
It is living out a life of faith that we claim to believe in our heart.
Living an evidential that testifies the Lord and Savior we claim to trust.
Making everyday ‘free will’ choices with a deliberate intent of honoring God.
Simply, if you were to be convicted of being a Christian, is there enough evidence in your life to prove?
Sovereign will and Free will are not contradictory. Our free will should yield to God’s sovereign will to operate and work in and through us. If God's LOVE drives the choices we make in everyday life, we’ll do everything to honor our relationship with God. Whereas if God's LAW drives our everyday choices, we might just live a religious/mere Christian life. What drives your choices today and everyday? God prompts but does not force our choices.
In absence of such active Christian life, joy becomes someone else’s experience, miracles become a distant thingy we hear about. Yes, we may seem happy on the outside, but there is an emptiness inside that haunts us. There is a never filling greed builds inside that slowly but steadily erodes from inside out. We grow too numb to taste and too blind to see the goodness of God resorting to routine ‘Christian life’.
This starts reflecting in our personality, impacting our family and friends, making us vulnerable to attacks of the enemy. Like a thousand miles journey starts with a small step, a thousand feet fall happens starts a minor slip depending on where you stand in your Christian walk. Are you on the edge? Its only a mirage that world seems flat when we walk with the enemy! Satan doesn’t want you to see the curves that lead to a steep fall until it’s too late to retract.
God’s sovereign will and work in us only increases our responsibility and not lessen it. If we take it as an excuse for inactive and lethargic Christian life we are like the wicked and lazy servant in the parable Jesus narrated in Matt 25:24-30. God’s sovereign will and work in us transforms our free will choices and our actions when we desire, aspire to live an active Christian life. Charles Spurgeon eloquently said “Grace all-sufficient dwells in you, believer. There is a living well within you springing up; use the bucket, then; keep on drawing; you will never exhaust it; there is a living source within”
His sovereign well of Grace in us never dries up. The more you draw, the more in springs forth. Are you drawing every day? Are you drawing enough measure to strengthen the inner man enough to start reflecting in the outer man.
Have a restful & relaxed Labor day long weekend! Blessings!