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New Beginning

Writer's picture: Austin Tamil ChurchAustin Tamil Church

And I, brethren, when I came to you, did not come with excellence of speech or of wisdom declaring to you the testimony of God. For I determined not to know anything among you except Jesus Christ and Him crucified - 1 Cor 2:1-2

Paul arrives in Corinth, a busy commercial center with ton of floating traffic with such low morality that, 'to act like a Corinthian' meant to be sexually immoral. Sexual immorality was 'okay' and even promoted with the worship of Aphrodite (aka Venus), the goddess of fertility and sexuality.

Paul arrives to such a challenging field of ministry and wondered where to being? His long experience in ministry, train of sins he had seen all along was nothing compared to what he saw in Corinth. Paul stuck to the only thing he knew, he could; preach Jesus Christ crucified as he knew nothing else has the power to start all over, bring a new beginning. No fancy, innovative, creative, glamorous ideas to attract people and grow the ministry but simply preach Christ crucified. Simply empty oneself to be filled all over from the bottom. Not adding to what exists but redo from scratch.

Dearly beloved, Savior on the Cross and His resurrection packs all the power we need for the best or worst situations of life/ministry. Preaching to entertain, gospel of self-help, messages of salvation by good works or noble intentions wouldn’t change lives. Paul didn’t come to Corinth as a 'doctrinal maestro' or a 'Gospel Salesman' or as an orator with excellence of speech. Paul came as a witness declaring the transformation of his own life. He did not come to reason and debate persuasively or blast them with fire from hell. He simply put emphasis on Jesus Christ and Him crucified and let Christ do the work HE intends.

Paul was a disappointment to the audience as he did not supply their demand. Paul knew the Jews request a sign, and Greeks seek after wisdom (1 Cor 1:22), but he didn’t come to supply for the demand but change the demand itself. Transformation inside out that he knew was possible by nothing but the power of the Cross and Resurrection.

If we are not careful, we may get in the way of the gospel instead of being a servant of it. All of us may not be a preacher/teacher/missionary/minister of the Gospel but all of us are ambassadors of Christ carrying and reflecting HIS vision and mission wherever we are. We are HIS fragrance that covers not just the church but the world, the circle of influence around us. How is your fragrance? Is it sweet smelling aroma in God's nostrils or its a makeup of your own carefully crafted fables of old times that caters to the demand of the surrounding, pleasing and pleasant to hear but has zero impact on anyone, even yourself!

Maybe May 2023 is a new month, new beginning in your life? Like Paul, you find yourself in a new place, new challenge and new surroundings? Would you

  • Rest your hope in Christ Crucified and be more a witness than a preacher?

  • Ask God to fill you with the fragrance of HIS son Jesus Christ?

  • Pray that you don’t get in the way of Jesus but just proclaim Him in words and deeds?

May His presence lead you and blessings be with you this day and this month!

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