Isaiah 55:11 So shall My word be that goes forth from My mouth; It shall not return to Me void, But it shall accomplish what I please, And it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it.
While this verse is often used to reflect the power of God's Word, if you read deep enough, it also reflects how strong the plan and purpose of God is, in all our lives.
In context, when this was written, Israelites strayed away from God, neglecting His calling and commandments. They were busy chasing their own dreams, alliances and ambitions. While it kept them busy and even happy and fulfilled for a while, eventually they were defeated, exiled and all their dreams, ambitions and accomplishments left them empty.
Now God, through Isaiah calls them back into faithfulness and reminds them how strong His commitment for them is, how deep His desire for them to succeed and how faithful He has been to them all along. But all of these are for them to enjoy, if only they trust, obey and depend on Him. IOW, apart from God, they could have spurt success here and there but never the long lasting success, never a peace that surpasses all understanding and never a joy that's overwhelming regardless of circumstances.
Dearly beloved, even now the same God, the same Word, the same Plan, and the same Purpose awaits all of us. Are we chasing things in our own way according to our own desire and expect his blessing (aka stamp of approval) at the end? Or, are we waiting upon HIM enough to surrender our plans in prayer and let HIM have HIS way? We may and we will accomplish things that keeps us busy, keeps us happy when things go our way for a while. But, in spite of success, apart from Him we end up empty, drained and void eventually. That's a time tested truth we learn from Israelites.
We all have a race to run, good fight to fight, family to feed, job to attend to, children to love, parents to care for etc. But in the midst of all, how consciously do we checkpoint if we are running HIS race, fighting HIS fight, showing HIS love and fulfilling HIS commission in and through all? No matter how fast you run, if it is in the wrong direction, what is the point? No matter how hard you fight, if it is the wrong enemy, does it even matter?
When we consciously desire to walk in HIS ways, there is an inherent protection that surrounds us and leads us as we read in...Isaiah 30:21 Your ears shall hear a word behind you, saying, “This is the way, walk in it,” Whenever you turn to the right hand Or whenever you turn to the left.
The same God who pursued them relentlessly, does the same with you and me today as a Father's love never grows cold. Are you exhausted, tired and frustrated with everyone or with everything around you? He is waiting for you to return to His rest - would you? No matter how many times you've strayed away, how far you've gone and how deep you've dug yourself in, you are never out of reach for HIS GRACE and MERCY!
Would you seek His Plan and His Purpose through His Word in your life? Blessings!