Now the Lord came and stood and called as at other times, “Samuel! Samuel!” and Samuel answered, “Speak, for Your servant is listening” - 1 Sam 3:10
In the noisy world surrounding us, listening is becoming rare/novel idea and even an art! Pushing or selling an idea or ideology dominates conversations, especially when the viewpoint differs. Public sentiment influences and drives the thought process so much that even before conversation begins, judgement is rendered.
We so naturally adapt to our surrounding that we carry the same mindset to the presence of God. In Prayer and in reading His Word, we want to hear what we want to hear rather than listening to what God wants to say. Do you know Psalms is the most read book in the Bible? When was the last time you read the book of Job, which is right before Psalms? Maybe the positioning is intentional, prompted by the Holy Spirit?
In a time when God's Words and Visions were rare (1 Sam 3:1), it behooves me to think that God would call a child who 'does not yet know the Lord or His Word' (1 Sam 3:7) to reveal His plans for the future and NOT the honored, revered High priest Eli! Why?
Because, Eli knew in his heart what would come of the Lord and not willing to hear it. That's why even when Samuel shared it with Eli, he was not shocked. Beware, if we ever think that God would speak to someone because of their popularity, ministry experience, spiritual maturity, status or position in the world or in the Church, we'll be greatly disappointed.
After two missed calls, Eli helps Samuel to discern God's 'caller id'. The little boy Samuel listened (as NIV renders) indeed and follows through with the action of taking the message to the High Priest, with fear of course. Samuel was not even old enough to understand the sins of Eli's sons or the judgement of God or eternity. But, all that he did was obeyed Eli, sincerely listened to God without prejudice or pretention. We all know how God used Samuel as he grew.
Could you practice the 'art of listening' this week? Not just in prayer but even in secular conversations.
Could you consciously make an effort to speak less and listen more this week?
Would you consciously seek for that 'still small voice' calling in the night or day?
Would you say 'speak to me Lord, I long to hear, listen and act'?
He is willing and talking, just that we need to tune/calibrate to HIS frequency!
Blessings for the day and the week. May the Lord speak to your heart and lead you.