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Life & Death - Eternity in our hearts

Writer's picture: Austin Tamil ChurchAustin Tamil Church

Ecc 3:11 He has made everything beautiful in its time. Also He has put eternity in their hearts, except that no one can find out the work that God does from beginning to end.

Church Family -- As you can imagine, life and death has been on my mind not just this week as I mourn the loss of my beloved Mom, but almost over the past year seeing her walk through the challenging stages of her life. How often you've literally asked 'why not now, right now?' or asked 'why now?'. But this verse assures us, he has made everything beautiful in its time. Tamil rendering of the same verse is so beautiful

அவர் சகலத்தையும் அதினதின் காலத்திலே நேர்த்தியாகச் செய்திருக்கிறார்; உலகத்தையும் அவர்கள் உள்ளத்திலே வைத்திருக்கிறார்; ஆதலால் தேவன் ஆதிமுதல் அந்தம்மட்டும் செய்துவரும் கிரியையை மனுஷன் கண்டுபிடியான்.

If you read close, the verse does not say 'in His time' as it is commonly referred to but 'in its time'! Meaning, everything in life has a meaning and purpose towards eternity. The occurrence of life events, its timing and our response to it, furthers/hinders God's plan coming to fruition in and through our life. He doesn't twist our hand to make things happen without our free will surrendering/willing. If so, that's fate and not sovereign providence. Yes, everything including the dark days, suffering, valley moments, sorrowful/tearful days have a purpose pointing us towards eternity. We may try to figure it all out, rationalize and explain away to convince ourself or others. But, truth is that, no one can find out the work of God that HE does from the beginning to end.

Think about it, will any of us celebrate birthday if we know our death day? Every passing year would feel like, life receding, draining, passing or even racing towards the end. Even at the very first birthday celebration, parents' mind would be on the fact that its one year less now! Would knowing the end from beginning help us live better - how so? God is not a fear monger to take hold of our life with such fear and anxiety. Rather HE wants us to take hold of HIM in love and hope. 2 Tim 1:7 For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.

Unfortunately, Gospel is sometime preached in the sense of 'escaping hell'. While it is true as Jesus gave His life upon the cross to redeem us for an eternity with Him. But the crux of Gospel is not to induce fear but to infuse LOVE, HOPE, PEACE and JOY. God does not want us to live a life on this earth trying to escape hell in the next life. He rather wants us to live a life to its fulness here on earth, so that we'd be no strangers to dwelling with Him in eternity. That why He prevented man from figuring out His works from beginning to the end as He does not want them to live a life of fear and trepidation but a life of fulness and joy. As psalmist beautifully says, The earth is the Lord’s, and all its fullness, The world and those who dwell therein (Psalm 24:1).

In the midst of discouraging, devastating, difficult circumstances, are you dwelling, living and thriving in HIS love, hope and peace that surpasses all understanding?

Figuring out eternity is not meant for us as eternity is not a place we go to but HIS glorious presence we enter into. That presence is not just reserved for the dead but more for the living if we desire, seek, trust, love Him and one another. Such presence here and now enables to not just sing in joy but when needed lean on a fellow brother/sister's shoulders to cry in sorrow. If you are in a time of singing, would you find someone crying to reassure that eternal hope we have in Jesus? If you are in a time of tears, would you find a brother/sister who can infuse that eternal hope we have in Jesus into you?

Instead of trying to rationalize and figure it all out, would you tell the Father, HE is omniscient and does everything beautifully in its time. What a comfort to know that we don't need to figure it all out but just trust with love in the one who has already figured it out!

Rom 8:11 But if the Spirit of Him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, He who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through His Spirit who dwells in you.

Life or death, this is the confidence, strength, joy and peace that resurrected Jesus brings in that nothing in this world can take away!

Blessings or the day, week ahead! Be a Christian who brims with the kind of Love, Hope, Joy and Peace the world longs for!

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