As we ponder the events of what the Church refers to as 'Holy Week' that opened the doors of HIS abiding presence here and in eternity for us, it opens with a cry for help as Jesus enters Jerusalem, 'HOSANNA' translated as 'God, Save us'!
While this cry was and is meaningful even today, there are two sides to it!
The people who were around Jesus at this time were expecting a Messiah. Some thought Jesus could be 'The One' yet not sure, others thought this just yet another mere mortal who'll vanish in no time. Even disciples, though Jesus told them thrice the kind of suffering ahead for 'the chosen lamb of sacrifice', had not yet grasped the reality or magnitude of thigs about to unfold rest of the week.
Disciples had seen a Jesus who worked miracles, who healed the sick, who commanded the wind and waves, who walked on the water but seldom they realized, none of that fulfills the purpose of Jesus's life on earth but the suffering about to come!
In our life too, we are good to follow a miracle working Jesus who always blesses but not the beaten up, bruised, bleeding and suffering Jesus on the Cross. If so, we sing Hosanna exactly like the crowd that was around Jesus who called him 'Messiah' but hardly believed it. If they had truly believed what they professed/proclaimed, rest of the week would have been very different!
How is your Praise, Worship and Prayer in personal life? Do you truly believe and stand by the words you sing and pray? Have you grasped the magnitude of the ultimate price paid on the cross? When hardship hits life, do you experience the blessed presence of the One who walked through suffering before you?
Unlike the crowd of Jesus's time, we are not expecting a Messiah but we KNOW The Messiah Jesus Christ, who was born in the manger, lived a perfect life, suffered and died in our place on the cross and resurrected Victorious on the third day.
Let our Hosanna today not just be traditional 'cry for help' of the old covenant but be a rejoicing 'cry of confidence' that 'WE KNOW OUR REDEEMER LIVES'. There is a huge difference between the crowd that did not know or believe yet sang HOISANNA in mere hope and anticipation and we who sing HOSANNA with absolute confidence of our destiny in Christ here in this world and in eternity. Which crowd do you belong to?
Do you believe HIM?
Have you accepted HIM as your Lord and Savior?
If so, does your HOSANNA reflect the reality of Jesus in your daily life?
In the daily shunts and shuffles of life, is your HOSANNA, a loud and clear testimony for those around you to know Jesus?
Blessings for the day and week ahead!