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God Friday!

Writer's picture: Austin Tamil ChurchAustin Tamil Church

Isaiah 53:6 All we like sheep have gone astray; We have turned, every one, to his own way; And the Lord has laid on Him the iniquity of us all.

Yeah, you read that right. It’s not a typo. It might be 'Good Friday' from religious observance perspective, but it is indeed God Friday for those who have a thriving personal relationship with HIM. God Friday, because NONE could have accomplished what was accomplished that day. The Friday that God chose to lay the burden of our sins on the sacrificial lamb, Jesus Christ who was chosen for redemption even before time began. As Isaiah says above, 'we have turned, every one' that includes you and me.


As you step back, pause and gaze at Savior on the cross, remember that HE IS RISEN!

As you painfully think of the sacrificial Lamb, remember, HE is Lion of Judah!

As you feel remorse in hindsight, remember it is your sins and mine that nailed HIM!

This is a time of not just reflection, remorse, shed a tear or two and then get back to real life. This is a time of recalibration to unify focus beyond daily ruts of life and change course where needed.

This recollection of the past, delivers a warning for the future.

This recollection of the past, assures its still not too late to turn to Mercy & Grace.

Save your tears as Jesus is neither on the cross nor in the grave today. HE is a righteous King exalted in heaven. As Jesus told the Jerusalem women in Luke 28, let us introspect on our and our Children's lives.

Luke 28:27-31 “Daughters of Jerusalem, do not weep for Me, but weep for yourselves and for your children...31 For if they do these things in the green wood, what will be done in the dry?”

Satan took every weapon he could against Jesus except one. The unparalleled LOVE for you and me that Jesus portrayed on the cross! If Jesus who has all authority in heaven and earth used love as a weapon against enemy! If Jesus summarized all commandments into two commandments of LOVE for God and LOVE for one another (Matt 22:37-40), is there anything else more important in life for us to imitate? 

Is there someone in your life you’ve not forgiven yet?

  • Remember, you are forgiven in the first place to forgive others!

Is there someone you fail to acknowledge, give credit or say thanks?

  • Remember Jesus saved thankless generations, that includes you and me!

Is there someone you hold grudge against even today for years?

  • Remember, if God were to hold grudge, where would you and I stand?

Is there someone you are judging?

  • Remember, Jesus died for the one you are judging for he/she is a child of God too!

Simply put, you cannot Love God without loving HIS children aka HIS people.


As you come to the cross today, focus on your inner self that prevents you from being in the likeness of Jesus.

Not just in the likeness of the baby Jesus or walking on the water Jesus or miracle working Jesus; But also in the likeness of the forgiving Jesus on the cross.



Have a blessed Holy week and Easter!

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