Jer 9:23-24 “Let not the wise man glory in his wisdom, Let not the mighty man glory in his might, Nor let the rich man glory in his riches; 25 But let him who glories glory in this, That he understands and knows Me, That I am the Lord, exercising lovingkindness, judgment, and righteousness in the earth. For in these I delight,” says the Lord.
Good Morning Church! Its a joy to meet you with the Word of God as we prepare to dive into the work week!
What are you most proud of or most happy about in life? What brings a smile to your face the moment you think of it? Have you been silent about it? As the old kids song goes "if you are happy and you know it, clap/stomp/shout/jump...", everyone around us know when we are proud of or happy about something.
As a Father, God rejoices in the accomplishments of HIS children. The wise, mighty and rich in this verse have every right to celebrate their accomplishment and be proud of it. They are not faking or pretending but they are indeed wise, mighty and rich. But, how long your pride, joy or celebration lasted the last time you achieved or conquered or won something? Both yourself and the world moves on looking for the next big thing leaving you back in 'square 1' trying to prove all over again, win again, achieve again to get back in the limelight. Such quest or thirst for wisdom, might or riches is never wrong unless it draws us away from God.
God wants to save us, His children from such vicious cycle of living for limelight, approval and recognition from the world. He helps us realize the temporal nature of such material accomplishments and points us to the only joy that lasts forever. The joy that comes from within us from knowing the ONE source of that wisdom, might and riches, GOD Himself.
"Let him glory in this, That he understands and knows me" - WOW! Have you thought of your understanding of who Jesus is and your salvation that way? It's not common or simple dearly beloved especially in this post-modern time and age. If all the wisdom, might and riches the world has accumulated could lead humanity to love, peace and joy, why is world like what it is today? Don't we learn something from it?
All of your material success and accomplishments in life thus far, how has it grown you in humility and serving God and His people more with compassion like Jesus? Wisdom, Might, and Riches are never wrong according to Bible, unless they draw you away from God! Have your accomplishments helped you to shape up more like Jesus? When they do, God will open the windows of heaven and pour out even more. If they draw you away, God in His everlasting mercy and grace, withholds them so that you and I are not lost in the blessings or accomplishments, losing the real joy, both here and in eternity.
If the Son of God, Creator of heaven and earth said in Matt 20:28 "just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many", what should be our posture towards wisdom, might and riches in our lives?
All this week, above all else,
Would you glory in the fact that you know one true living God, JESUS CHRIST?
Would you glory in His loving kindness, justice and righteousness?
Glorying does not mean thanking for what HE has done but honoring HIM for who HE is with bubbling joy in your heart. Rejoice and be glad for HE will do mighty things!