Have you been looking for a convenient time to pray, attend a service, hear God’s Word, Pray, Meditate and Serve? Unfortunately, when something is too convenient it’s mostly too far from God!
Was there a convenient time for God to send His only begotten son to suffer? Was there a convenient time for Jesus to carry the cross? Was there a convenient time for Jesus to die on the cross? Was there a convenient time for disciples to follow Christ?
If what we do doesn’t cost anything, then why bother? God is pleased in sacrificial offering of time, talent and treasure. There is no perfect time / season to seek Him more, love Him more, serve Him more but NOW and right NOW especially if it costs you something!
Waiting for a convenient time is only a deception of Satan to keep you away from the blessings that God has kept for you. Without Good Friday, there is no Easter my dear. Without an arduous journey to Jerusalem, there is no Christmas. I know it’s simple yet true and powerful.
Is the path you are walking too hard, too difficult, too cumbersome, too painful, know that the victory is near, the light is closer and above all God is not only awaiting with the reward but waking with you through it for He knows what suffering is!
Would you face your challenges, uncertainties and predicaments with HIS power and endurance today and this week to train yourself with inconveniences for this is the ONLY path for true Victory that’s joyful and that sustains, in Jesus.
Blessings for the day and week!