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Father Figure

Writer's picture: Austin Tamil ChurchAustin Tamil Church

For though you might have ten thousand instructors in Christ, yet you do not have many fathers; for in Christ Jesus I have begotten you through the gospel - 1 Cor 4:15

Hope y'all had a wonderful Father's day! What a blessing it is! Do you know that Christians are the only people in the world who have the privilege of calling God almighty, creator of heaven and earth as our own Father! A priceless gift of Salvation earned for us by the sacrificial blood of Jesus Christ at the cross!

While being a Father may start biologically or through adoption, it is much more beyond that. It is a state of mind, heart with absolute commitment, resolve and resilience. Lack of this is evident from the fact that ~25 million children live in a biological father-absent homes in America! ~20 million lived without any biological, adaptive or step father present in their lives. But God knows the fallen nature of humanity and that's why Psalm 68:5 says, God is a father of the fatherless.

In today's age and circumstance, the role of a father is nothing less than being a warrior. While you and I may not feel like being in a battlefield, enemy treats it so pulling all strings to corrupt the mind, heart and soul of our children. Satan knows his end is near and hates to see a Godly generation rising. But, never forget that his desperation comes from the fact of knowing he is already defeated.

Do you know God equipped us with weapons that Satan can never ever take. The weapon of Jesus the Name, Blood of Jesus, Holy Spirit, Love, Grace and Mercy. WOW, so many! But, these weapons are only as good as the one who is trained to use it. Are you?

Being a Christian might give you access to these weapons but as Fathers, we ought to seek, find, learn and train ourselves to use it best. Paul in this verse takes on the role of a Father figure to the Corinthian Church. They had plenty of preachers, teachers, scribes and what not, But Paul senses in his heart the lack of fatherly presence, correction and guidance that is destroying the Church family.

Paul did not want to be a popular, most liked, favorite, top of the chart preacher. He just wanted to be a father, who'll rebuke them when needed with love and willing to battle for their soul. If not for a group of people we barely know, aren't we called to do the same at least for our own children?

As Father(s) we have enormous influence in the lives of our children and God will hold us accountable for that. Joseph, the earthly father of Jesus had big influence in Jesus's life. He is called a just and righteous man even before the Angel appeared to him (Matt 1:19) - Why?

Joseph was a upright, just Jew living by Mosaic commandments. Yet, he was willing to show mercy to Mary rather than picking up a stone to condemn her to death. Joseph chose Mercy and Love over Law even if that impacts his standing as an upright Jew. Isn't that what Jesus did at when the women caught in adultery was brought to Him.

John 8:11 And Jesus said to her, “Neither do I condemn you; go and sin no more.”

I believe the 'neither do I condemn you' comes from Jesus knowing His earthly father who refused to pick up 'a stone'. Not just in once, Jesus might have seen Joseph pick up Mercy and Love over and over as He grew up. I'm sure Jesus would have been told, even mocked by His friends about how he came to be. Jesus would have thought, "Here I am fulfilling my Heavenly Father's will because my earthy Father picked up Mercy and Love over Law and Justice" with Mary, my earthly Mom.

The second part of 'go and sin no more' comes from knowing His Heavenly Father for Jesus was human in all aspects except sin.

Hope that gives you what a powerful influence a Father could be in a child's life. Not just at conception/adoption; unless fatherhood continues lifelong in some degree and form with our own children to start with and extending to those children and youth around us, we are not fulfilling God's mission.

Go be a fearless Father who fears none but God almighty walking in the footsteps of Jesus!

Happy Father's Day!

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