Rom 4:20-22 He did not waver at the promise of God through unbelief, but was strengthened in faith, giving glory to God, 21 and being fully convinced that what He had promised He was also able to perform. 22 And therefore “it was accounted to him for righteousness.”
Good Morning Church Family! Have you ever wondered if Bible is complete in defining/ describing God and all of His characteristics? Different parts of the Bible reveal different characteristics of God - Love, Grace, Mercy, Justice etc. Have you wondered if there is more to God than what Bible reveals?
Understanding where our Faith is would help unravel answer to this question. We've always heard Abraham as 'Father of Faith'. He believed and obeyed God when things were as clear as mud, details unknown and clueless of direction. Was that blind/random hope or wishful thinking that something is better than nothing? Not at all!
Abraham had no clue of God's promise or how a claim of such great magnitude could even come to pass, especially given his current circumstances. So, there was nothing in the promise that he could hold onto. But, Abraham held more onto God's character than just God's promises. Where is your faith - Just in God's promises or God's character?
Faith in never failing God's character led to the conviction that His Word will come to pass no matter what, no matter how bad the odds are. Abraham did not have a Bible to underline (Num 23:19) and meditate. But he always had God's characteristics in mind to believe HE is trustworthy.
That's why he believed when unbelievable promises were made to him. Sarah giggled at having a child at ripe age for she looked more at the promise than the Giver. But, Abraham looked more at the promise Giver than the promise itself. Abraham went out, not knowing where he was going (Heb 11:8). That was not blind walk of faith. But, a strong conviction in his heart that the ONE who called him is Faithful and He is able to fulfill anything He intends to (1 Ths 5:24).
What are you looking up to or holding onto? God's promises in your life or God Himself? The secret of inheriting God's promises is to put it all on God's character and promises would only follow through. The more we look into God's character, the more it starts reflecting on us, transforming us in His image. That my dear brothers and sisters, makes you an impactful person wherever you are.
Coming back to the question, is there more to God than what Bible reveals to us? Yes, Bible does not define God for we cannot confine God to a book. In Ezekiel's time, Israel/Judah confined God to the 'book of law' and neglected the God who gave it. They held onto the 'temple of God' but left the 'God of the temple'. Let's not do the same mistake.
God transcends nature, time and every dimension we can imagine. Bible does not define God in his entirety for He is God of the Bible too. Bible is a mere glimpse in to His glory, power, dominion and authority. Just attempt explaining Col 1:15-17 to yourself and see if you can even comprehend it. It is one of those verses that attempts to show the unexplainable completeness and sufficiency of God with insufficient human vocabulary.
Paul's personal experiences in Arabia for ~3+ years is not captured in the Bible. John says books in the whole world are not enough to capture all that Jesus did in his 3+ years of lifetime on earth (John 21:25). But, none of what they personally saw or experienced added/altered what Bible has revealed! If anything, their experience of God's presence ushered them to be energized, equipped to fight the good fight, run the race of faith even more fervently.
Dearly beloved, have you experienced such presence of God in your personal life? He intervenes in your and my personal life even today to work wonders, miracles, orchestrate things, lead and guide us. But, you need the unwavering focus and conviction of WHO God is well before what He can do for you. When we develop a sensitive heart to seek, feel and experience His presence, we'd live like how Abraham lived in spite of being the richest (Heb 11:10). When we experience His presence, He becomes personal, intimate to us and nothing can separate us from His love that accomplishes all things in our life in all circumstances (Rom 8:38).
Go in that Confidence, Go in that Conviction and Go in that Faith! Blessings!
Matt 19:26 With men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.