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Mother - The connective tissue

Writer's picture: Austin Tamil ChurchAustin Tamil Church

Pro 31:30 Charm is deceitful and beauty is passing, But a woman who fears the Lord, she shall be praised.

'Connective Tissue' in our body supports, protects, and gives structure to other tissues and organs in the body. Connective tissue also stores fat, helps move nutrients and other substances between tissues and organs, and helps repair damaged tissue.

Mothers are like 'connective tissues', all over our life. They are least visible but with most impact. Without connective tissues, a body has no structure, support, protection or there is no life itself. So is a mother, humble but strong, least visible but holding it all together from the basics of a family structure and supplying nutritional needs both physical and spiritual to every part of the body. Above all when a part of the body (aka family) is sick, impacted or even damaged, Mom delivers the ultimate support to rest, repair and recover from the damage.

Motherhood is not just a matter of physical state but a matter of heart and every fiber of our emotional being. That's whether they are still around or not, we always carry an impression of her in our life.

Book of Proverbs in the Bible, often referred to as the 'Book of Wisdom' dedicates an entire chapter, the very last chapter to Mother. It's like indirectly saying, Mother is the be all and end all of our Wisdom. The only key that unlocks that wisdom is love, relentless, sacrificial love. She is as best as we could get in this world.

Brothers, as much as we celebrate our Mothers, remember that every wife is a mother too, mother of our beloved children. If our zeal for our mother far away diminishes the love for our spouse right next to us, then we've not learnt anything from our Mom at all. Well, wife may not be a replica of our mother and she doesn't have to be. We can't stencil 'mother' into a frame and force it across generations. Bless and support your wife to shape up as the mother God chose her her to be. God created your Mother and your Children's mother (aka wife) for their respective times and seasons as different generations have different demands. Celebrate the difference, rather than comparing that only causes strife. A God fearing Mom is a blessing in any generation!

Whether you are celebrating Mother's presence or hurting in her absence, whether your childhood memories are sweet or sour, know that all stories of our life started with her and God meant it to be so, to shape us into who we are today.

Thank you Mom! Besides God, life is worth living, for you made it so.

Hope we all can reflect an iota of a Mother's selfless, relentless love in and through our life.

Happy Mothers Day!

Proverbs 31

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